Depression Treatment
If you are experiencing depression it's important to seek treatment that is tailored to you.
Depression is very common and affects about one in six people.
Depression is different from just feeling sad (a very normal human emotion) and can effect us in a number of ways including:
Ongoing low mood, decreased enjoyment of usual activities
Difficulty getting to sleep, staying asleep, or sleeping much longer than usual
Changes in appetite or eating habits
Difficulty with concentration or feeling indecisive
Feeling tired and run down
Feeling guilt-ridden or worthless
Feeling sped up or slowed down
Thoughts that life is not worth living
People may start to isolate themselves from friends and family and avoid social gatherings. People may struggle to get out of bed, develop pessimistic thoughts about themselves, their future and about the state of the world.
People may have thoughts such as “it’s all too hard” and may use alcohol or drugs as a means to cope. The appearance of any of these thoughts or behaviours is a sign that it’s time to seek professional help.
Types of treatment
Modalities our psychologists and psychotherapists may use
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy uses techniques such as graded exposure, mindfulness and skills training.
Dialectical Behaviour Therapy teaches skills related to distress tolerance, interpersonal effectiveness and emotional regulation.
Schema Therapy
Schema Therapy addresses the frameworks people use to make sense of themselves and their surroundings.
Medication Management
Our GP Psychotherapist can help with the prescription and management of mood disorder medication.